Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Another Final Note
As we were going through the process of finding information on math fairs, everything we found was new to us so we learned an abundance on math fairs and we hope you do the same as well as you read our posts. We learned that math fairs are a very important part of the school year and we will certainly implement this into our classroom because it is a tremendous way for students to become involved in math and problem solving. It gives them the opportunity to enjoy math in more ways then they may have thought was possible. Once again, we think that math fairs are phenomenal and we have learned a great deal of information on this subject because as we have mentionied before, this is all new to us as well.
Monday, March 26, 2007
A Word from Us
As a final note we must state that although Math Fairs show much promise, and seems quite beneficiary for children of any grade, it has yet to gain much momentum within Newfoundland.
Our attempt to conduct an interview with any children and/or teachers who have participated in such fairs failed as we were unable to find anyone familiar with the Math Fairs format. We find this to be very unfortunate as there are clearly many benefits to be gained within the school system if Math Fairs were to become part of the curriculum.
This research project has created at least two, and hopefully many more (as people continue to research Math Fairs and even read this blog), pre-service teachers who appreciate the positive aspects of Math Fairs and hope to see it integrated into our own classrooms.
Who do You Invite to a Math Fair?
When planning for a Math Fair at an elementary school, one must ask who are to be invited to such academic events? Here is a list of possible attendees that have been asked in the past:
- Parents/Guardians
- Other classes in said school
- Other nearby schools
- Fellow students and participants in the Math Fair
- If presented on parent-teacher night; anyone who would not ordinarily be in the school
Example #3: Star Jump
The figure on the left should be redrawn so that the circles are each big enough to hold a penny.
Take four pennies. The problem is to put a penny in each of the shaded circles. However, there's a catch. Here's the rules that you have to follow.
To begin, take a penny. Put your finger on a circle. There is an arrow that points from that circle to another circle, and that's where you have to put the first penny.
Continue in this way, each time putting your finger on an empty circle and placing a penny where the arrow points to.
Take four pennies. The problem is to put a penny in each of the shaded circles. However, there's a catch. Here's the rules that you have to follow.
To begin, take a penny. Put your finger on a circle. There is an arrow that points from that circle to another circle, and that's where you have to put the first penny.
Continue in this way, each time putting your finger on an empty circle and placing a penny where the arrow points to.
Note: Many more wonderful examples can be found at
Example #2: Number Wheel
In the figure on the left, numbers have been placed in the circles. For every pair of neighbouring numbers, the sum of the pair equals the sum of the opposite numbers.
The problem is to place the digits 1 through 6 into the circles using each number as few times as possible. In the picture on the left, we used the number 3 twice.
In each of the figures below the 1 and 5 are already in place. In each case, finish the puzzle by putting the numbers 2, 3, 4 and 6 in the proper places.
The problem is to place the digits 1 through 6 into the circles using each number as few times as possible. In the picture on the left, we used the number 3 twice.
In each of the figures below the 1 and 5 are already in place. In each case, finish the puzzle by putting the numbers 2, 3, 4 and 6 in the proper places.
An Example Problem
The SNAP Foundation web-site (see "Helpful Links") has provided an example of what Problems are expected to be employed during Math Fairs. One such example follows:
"Place the numbers from 1 to 6 in the circles below so that every
three numbers in a straight line have the same sum."
As stated on the SNAP web-site, such a problem is considered suitable for the younger grades and many children will eventually solve this using the trial and error method. Even though this is not the method that is recommended it will lead them to understand the process and deeper thinking that comes with solving such problems. Therefore, it is important that you praise any method the students use to complete such a problem.
Types of Displays
A form of display commonly used is the tri-fold board that will present the puzzle. The tools needed to solve the presribed puzzle are usually laid out on the table in front of the board.
There are many math fairs which do not make use of such display boards; their math problems are to be presented on art paper which lies flat on the table.
There have been math fairs, where
such schools and parents are privleged to have many resources, that endorse the rule of having all the displays presented in three-dimensional format.
Children could also create displays where the main piece is a large board taped to the floor. This set-up transforms the visitors into the manipulative pieces needed in solving the math problem.
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